Friday, May 29, 2009

You See It Here First

I was so excited yesterday to pick up a new design from the framer....and although this design will not be ready for release for a couple months, you are getting to see the framed piece here first...just a little peek for my blog/twitter followers! The piece is titled "A Sampling in the Square" and I hope to release it sometime in August. I know there are a few shadows and the photo is not perfect, but you get the idea...
This design makes me so happy that I have to create needlework smalls to complement it...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Smiles All Day...

Today has been a wonderful day! The weather is lovely - my printing proofs were perfect - I picked up a new design from my framer and it looks better than I could even imagine - and I am actually going to have some sewing time tonight - it really doesn't get much better....I have been smiling all day!

Today's photo is of "A Stitcher's Companion" - a BEAUTIFUL hand-painted set of needlework treasures by Liberty Hill - and using it just brightens my day! This special painted box contains a 3" starter square with wool pouch (I love the star shell button), a scissor fob, an adorable ruler, and a floss ring tag. Over the years, I have built quite a collection of Liberty Hill's amazing accessories...they just keep getting better and better (if that is possible). Take the time to admire some of your special keepsakes....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's The Little Things...

As much as I wanted to be sewing today....I was actually playing catch-up and working on my website...seems like my design career has taken over my life lately. Most of the new release photos are posted on the website and I am working on posting the materials/specific pages tonight (at least until my husband is home from work) while listening to the Yankees/Rangers game (GO YANKEES!). I had time for one small sewing project today - a little wallet - this is another design by The Purple Hat called a "Quick Gift Wallet". I had the most fun finding the square button in my button collection and searching through my fat quarters to find fun/coordinating fabrics....sometimes the smallest things bring us joy!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Sewing Companion

I had to share this little needlework treasure with you; it is called a "Sewing Companion".... and I love it so very much, I have made several of them...and I recently sent one to a very dear friend for her birthday. It is done completely in the hoop on my embroidery machine and was digitized by Birdhouse Cottage Crafts. There is a pocket for your scissors...a wool page for your pins and needles...under the wool is page of quilt batting to collect your orts...and under those pages is a little hidden pocket - perfect for a needle threader, package of needles, or a skein of floss.
This fancy little "book" travels well and gets loads of attention...having this little companion in my stitching bag just makes me happy! Now that my work is a little more under control, I plan to make time for a little more sewing/embroidery this week....look for more fun photos in the next couple days....until then I hope you find time to work on a project that brightens your day....

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Finishing Frenzy

The last few days have been a finishing frenzy as I completed all the needlework smalls for my new releases...and although it was a holiday weekend, I was busy working on photography and printing layouts...and Tuesday the new designs make their way to my printing contractor (can you see me doing a little happy dance??!). Here are a few photos of the needlework smalls...and of course, you will be able to read more about them and see more details on my website shortly...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Couple Hours to Unwind

This is a busy time of year for is for most designers in the needlework industry - the TNNA Summer NeedleArts Market is just around the corner (June) and I am busy getting three new designs ready for release. This morning brought me a bit of relief...sometimes I just need a break to bring me back into focus. I had to take Simba (my Shih Tzu) to the groomer - and that gave me a couple hours to unwind. I made a trip up north to Ames to the Quilting Connection to pick up a couple new presser feet for my sewing machine and some embroidery threads (plus I got to check out some new items from the quilt market last weekend - always a treat!). I even had time to run a couple errands before it was time to pick up my "little king"....then it was off to the framer to pick up "Americana Panorama" (a new design for June). This afternoon will bring as much stitching as I can fit in before an EGA Chapter meeting this evening. Always remember to take a little time for yourself...and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Find Your Happy Place

When I need a boost or relief from everyday stresses, I sit down at my sewing/embroidery machine - there I find my "happy place". I have always been a needleworker by hand...but with handwork as my career, I found I needed a new challenging creative outlet....and a new sewing/embroidery machine was just what the doctor ordered. Sewing, quilting, and machine embroidery always seem to put a smile on my face! Here is my new finished project - a scrap bag done in sunny springtime colors. This scrap bag is great for traveling to stitching events, as it folds flat - it holds your scissors and pins (and, of course, all those little snippits/scraps)....I also added a magnet to hold needles. The actual scrap holder is held on by buttons, so it can easily be emptied. This design was digitized by The Purple Hat ...currently one of my favorite designers of machine embroidery and in-the-hoop projects made simple! My Designer Diamond has opened up a whole new world of creativity - allowing me to play with all sorts of fun fabrics, fibers, and embroideries...this is the first project photo of many to come!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fun Fabulous Finds

On a recent trip to Rockford, Illinois, I just couldn't resist these fun finds! I found a couple primitive fabric birds with wire hooks...and this adorable strawberry (a perfect little pin cushion). Always a treat to visit specialty gift shops and find inexpensive treasures.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

My First Blog Entry

I never considered myself someone with a voice - I never considered myself someone who others would want to know more about - I never considered myself a "blogger." Don't get me wrong, I usually have a lot to say - I just didn't think any of it was relevant enough to post to the world.

Who am I? I am a private person....a self-proclaimed control freak...most times a perfectionist....beyond organized....super analytical....and a little bit obsessive compulsive. I have a deep passion for all things done with a needle and thread - a lover of fabrics, fibers, and textiles. I am an admirer of the creative, unique, and artistic.

What will you find in my blog? My needlework, sewing, quilting, and machine embroidery projects and ideas - things that inspire me - daily ramblings - and perhaps some insight into my design business.

I hope you will follow me on this journey....a new creative outlet for my passions and obsessions.