Season's Greetings! I can't believe it has been several weeks since my last post...and quite a few of you have checked in to make sure I am okay. I have been so wrapped up in work projects, holiday projects, and life, that I haven't really had time to catch my breath (or write a blog post)...but the Christmas packages were sent - a few cards made it to the post office - the Christmas dinner went smoothly - the house is clean - and my pre-holiday work deadlines have been here I am to do a quick wrap up.
Let's see...on a personal note: I have been trying to stay healthy (but not exactly successfully), many of you know I had the flu when I returned from the 60-mile walk in Dallas...then I contracted a terrible upper respiratory infection that lasted what seemed like months - and the cough has been lingering for a few weeks, but getting better each day. I have been going to the gym daily - still weight training, with several days of cardio a week - it is my quiet time (my only "me" time) - I feel healthier and stronger - and my cardio consists of lots of stairs and incline, preparing for 60-miles in San Diego next year. The weather here is unusually manageable for December, but we are getting TONS of fact, the grass was still green a few days ago. I have been able to walk the dogs to the park almost everyday (don't get me wrong, I have to bundle up - there just isn't the usual snow/ice on the ground). Although, we did just get a couple inches of snow, in time to celebrate Christmas (and it looks like quite a bit of snow is forecasted for the upcoming week). Simba and Schatzi are both well and have become best friends. Travis and I stayed home for Christmas again this year - but you can't make any holiday plans this time of year when your husband is in management for UPS (they even worked Christmas Eve). We hosted his parents for a Christmas dinner on Friday and that was pretty much the extent of our holiday celebration. All in all, life is good...and we are looking forward to early February when we are leaving the Iowa winter and heading to Florida for a week of vacation with my mother and her husband.

On the creative front...there has been quite a bit happening in the
Blue Ribbon Designs Studio. I finished up more designs and samples for AccuQuilt - this time for Valentine's Day...and I can't wait to share them with you (a couple sneak peeks below). I completed a handful of custom orders and managed to make gifts for nine packages...and they were all delivered BEFORE Christmas! I also made gifts for two of my local close friends...and gifts for my sewing/embroidery machine and stitching fingers have been busy. I also finished the cutest winter project and tutorial for the AccuQuilt Blog that will be posted next Wednesday, the 30th - I will post a reminder about in the coming week - you won't want to miss it. Plans are underway for my January AccuQuilt project tutorial - it uses the new GO! Qube and I am having fun working on the design (think Valentine's Day). In the evenings, I have been cross stitching a couple ornaments for Just Cross Stitch Magazine that will published in 2016....and I have been working on a couple new design ideas - including one for my 2016 Komen 3-Day fundraising piece (
Twinkle Toes will be walking in San Diego in 2016!). Last, but not least, I have been working on new pieces for
my Etsy Shop - I am working on a BUNCH of Stitch Starter Ruler Sleeves and a pile of zippered pouches and project I have a couple new ideas that I worked up that I will be trying in limited numbers. Then, in my "spare time", I am working on custom customer projects. Busy is a blessing...
I hope you have been enjoying this holiday season. As we quickly approach the new year - may you find joy in the celebration, beauty in your surroundings, and love in your heart...happy holidays!