Today we celebrate Halloween and the last day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month...which makes complete sense, because cancer is extremely scary (but it is definitely not a trick or a treat). I decided to spend my Halloween afternoon on a training walk and prepare for the Komen 3-Day which will be here in just two short weeks. Now that I have kicked my head cold to the curb, I have been able to get back to walking (just fewer miles) and I am feeling ready for the 60-miles in San Diego. While I was walking this afternoon, I was reflecting on my journey thus far and my last minute preparations...and my phone chimed with the BEST news...our Team Twinkle Toes (five fabulous walking members and one amazing medical crew member) hit the big $25,000 fundraising mark....yep, we surpassed $25,000 with two weeks to go!!! I am also excited to share that I, personally, am just shy of reaching an astounding $8,000...which I REALLY hope to surpass...anyone think I can reach $10,000 in the next two weeks (where is a corporate sponsor when I need one?)??? WOW - I am almost completely speechless and touched beyond belief - a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged both me and my fellow teammates - I am so very thankful. I also want to take a moment and express my gratitude to those of you who have made cash donations to our team captain for expenses - those gifts are helping to make our financial load lighter and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Who knew how expensive this journey would be??...from shoes and socks to camping gear to medical aids to round trip airfare...then gas expenses to get to San Diego, hotel fees, shuttle fees, towel service, meals...the list goes on and on. I am feeling so very blessed to have so much love and support! I can't believe I leave for California in a week and a half...and I am shipping out most of the walk necessities tomorrow (with only one suitcase for my flight, I am not wasting any of my allotted 50 pounds on a sleeping bag, air mattress, and pillow...or drop cloths, flashlight, clothes pins, cinch sacks or any of the other walking necessities)...because we all know I pack like a girl. I have been gathering all the needed gear for months and after my walk this evening, I got it all boxed up for the trip to more thing off my list...and now it all seems so real...two weeks from tonight I will be in San Diego getting a good meal and (hopefully) a good night of sleep before our 5:00 AM arrival for the opening ceremonies...
To read more about the Komen 3-Day, my reasons for walking, and/or support me and my fellow teammates on this incredible journey, visit:
Okay, so after all the "pink" talk, I haven't forgotten about Halloween or my fellow is a little Halloween collage featuring many of your favorite spooky Blue Ribbon Designs...
Happy Halloween to all my friends, family, and followers - I heart you!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Learning to Slow Down...
Sometimes in life, you just need to slow down...and I have been reminded of this several times in the last week. First I took a bad fall while doing a training walk on Saturday morning....I thought it was just because I am a klutz, but several people in my life seem to think I am overdoing it. I was walking down a steep hill, stepped in a crack, rolled my ankle, and fell face first (like a ton of bricks) to the concrete sidewalk...and yep, I even hit my head (I was seeing stars). I managed to sit up, get my wits about me and walk the mile to get home (feeling like a moron). I arrived home with a bruised ego, a bump on the head, several scraps and bruises, and a severely sprained right hand (yep, I had x-rays done on Monday and we all know I am usually WAY TOO stubborn to go to the doctor). So, my hand is all wrapped up for at least two weeks - no cast, thank goodness. Not sure how I managed to walk over 1,000 miles since the first of the year without incident and then have a dramatic fall...I am just relieved it didn't happen in San Diego! I am left-handed, so that is a plus...but I am having difficulty with even the smallest of tasks (including typing), so you might not see me as much for a couple is painful from fingertips to armpit. I am frustrated, cranky, and irritable...and just to make sure the universe made it's point that I need to learn to slow down, I awoke this morning with a terrible headache/stuffy head/crud...and even though I have been resting most of the day, I still feel miserable. So, I get it...I heard the message (loud and clear)...I need to slow down a if at this point, I have any choice...ugh...
I will leave you today with a few photos of Schatzi at her formal training. For those of you who don't know, we took Schatzi up to Minnesota to Neuman K-9 Academy, where she is being professionally trained for two months....during this time, we are not allowed to visit, but we get weekly updates and photos. She is in "doggy boot camp" which includes: confidence building, obedience training, proper etiquette, field trips, running on a treadmill, and socialization with other dogs. We miss her desperately, but know she will return home well-behaved and more least as well-behaved as you can expect from a German Shepherd puppy. These photos were sent to us this week..and by the look of her in action on the slide, confidence is not an issue for her! You see her trainer, Josiah, in the photos...oh, and I should mention, this is where she was born, so her mother and one brother are on site...and three of her sisters are there for training, as well...she is surrounded by family....
I am now headed back to my stitching nest (where I have my current project on a lap stand - I can't even hold my is slow going)...I'll be nursing my hand and my head cold (along with my ego)...
I will leave you today with a few photos of Schatzi at her formal training. For those of you who don't know, we took Schatzi up to Minnesota to Neuman K-9 Academy, where she is being professionally trained for two months....during this time, we are not allowed to visit, but we get weekly updates and photos. She is in "doggy boot camp" which includes: confidence building, obedience training, proper etiquette, field trips, running on a treadmill, and socialization with other dogs. We miss her desperately, but know she will return home well-behaved and more least as well-behaved as you can expect from a German Shepherd puppy. These photos were sent to us this week..and by the look of her in action on the slide, confidence is not an issue for her! You see her trainer, Josiah, in the photos...oh, and I should mention, this is where she was born, so her mother and one brother are on site...and three of her sisters are there for training, as well...she is surrounded by family....
I am now headed back to my stitching nest (where I have my current project on a lap stand - I can't even hold my is slow going)...I'll be nursing my hand and my head cold (along with my ego)...
Friday, October 18, 2013
Friendship Friday (A Week Late)...
This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind and my schedule has been quite full. We took our German Shepherd puppy (Schatzi) up to Minnesota last weekend for two months of my husband had bicep surgery on Tuesday to repair a torn with my normal intense schedule and my training walks, I have been doing my best to find some sort of balance. My husband's surgery went as well as can be expected and he should be healed up in several months...and we are definitely missing our baby girl, but she is in great hands at her training boot camp (plus, she has her mom and four siblings to keep her company). The photo was taken in our kitchen a few days before we took her up to MN (70.2 pounds)...she likes to help/watch me cook...
I did get together with my dear friends (Lorrie and Mary) last Friday for an afternoon road trip...and yes, Mary brought me another ADORABLE squirrel (shown right) - isn't it just the cutest?! We went to one of our very favorite quilt shops - Quilts and Other Notions in Creston, Iowa. Oh, how we LOVE this shop - always something fun and new - a HUGE selection of fabrics, trims, and notions - and THE BEST customer service around! It is an hour or so drive - but worth every single minute - plus it gives us time to catch-up and giggle. As always, we were all good little shoppers and found an assortment of treasures to take home. This wonderful quilt shop also has a fabulous "Creative Center" right next door where they entertain and hold classes and retreats...and last weekend was their retreat weekend, so creativity was everywhere...and while I was paying for my purchases, Lorrie and Mary slipped next door with Joyce (the shop owner) to see all the attendees in action. It was a lovely afternoon with my girlfriends and the perfect way to kick off the busy week ahead...
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Here are several patterns that called my name...the shop had ladybug models hanging on the wall from "The Ladies" pattern that were ADORABLE... and I must make a "Flutterby" Bee Pincushion... |
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A couple more cuts of Winter's Lane by Kate & Birdie Paper Co. for Moda to add to my collection... |
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I loved this redwork style fabric by Marcus Brothers Textiles... I am guessing it is an older fabric, as to my surprise it was on sale for $3.00/yard... I thought it would be fun for fussy cutting... |
I am now headed back to my stitching nest...I have been busy working on a set of design models for Annie's Publishing that will accompany a "learning to cross stitch" video I am shooting with/for them early next year...more details on this in the future. I also have a holiday design to finish up, so I can get it to my framer....and a new magazine piece to should be a very creative weekend!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Honesty, Beauty, and Grace
About a month ago, I did a blog post explaining one of the reasons I am walking in the Komen 3-Day next month (60 miles in 3 days) this earlier post (for those of you who did not already have the sincere pleasure of knowing her) I introduced you to Cathey (or "Pumpkin" as most of the blog community knows her). At the time, Cathey was knee deep in complications from Stage 4 Breast Cancer - and she was blogging about her diagnosis with honesty, beauty, and grace. The news of Cathey's passing reached me yesterday evening and has quickly spread throughout the needlework community - Cathey's dear friend Katie has been contacting her friends and fellow needleworkers with this heartbreaking news and has done several blog posts honoring Pumpkin (visit to read a little more and see some beautiful photos of Cathey).
Cathey and I had several email conversations since I made my post in September, and I wanted to share a couple of these notes with you - they show what an extraordinary person she was - how loving and caring she was - and how she put everyone else's needs and feelings above her own....
Pumpkin has left
a new comment on your post "One of
the Reasons...":
Dear Belinda, I just read your post and to say that I'm speechless is an understatement. I am SO honored that you thought of me. Out of all the other women out there, I can't believe that my name is the one that came to your mind. I respect anyone who goes out there and walks/runs for those they love. I know you will achieve your goal and I will be thinking of you. I only wish we lived closer so that I could take you out to lunch and give you a great big hug ;o) ((((HUGS)))) Cathey
Btw - I love your design! So full of versatility. Beautifully done!
Cathey and I had several email conversations since I made my post in September, and I wanted to share a couple of these notes with you - they show what an extraordinary person she was - how loving and caring she was - and how she put everyone else's needs and feelings above her own....
From: 'Pumpkin'
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 1:18 PM
To: Blue Ribbon Designs
Subject: [Samplings From A Blue Ribbon Girl] New comment on One of the Reasons....
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 1:18 PM
To: Blue Ribbon Designs
Subject: [Samplings From A Blue Ribbon Girl] New comment on One of the Reasons....
Dear Belinda, I just read your post and to say that I'm speechless is an understatement. I am SO honored that you thought of me. Out of all the other women out there, I can't believe that my name is the one that came to your mind. I respect anyone who goes out there and walks/runs for those they love. I know you will achieve your goal and I will be thinking of you. I only wish we lived closer so that I could take you out to lunch and give you a great big hug ;o) ((((HUGS)))) Cathey
Btw - I love your design! So full of versatility. Beautifully done!
From: Blue Ribbon Designs
Sent: Sunday,
September 8, 2013 6:54 PM
To: 'Pumpkin'
Subject: RE:
[Samplings From A Blue Ribbon Girl] New comment on One of the Reasons....
Hi Cathey,
Your blog posts
have touched me deeply - I think about you each and every day - I truly admire
you and definitely feel you are an inspiration. I am the one who wishes we
loved closer, so I could take YOU to lunch and brighten your days. Know I am
sending good vibes your got this...
I am attaching
a copy of my "pink" project just for you - I hope it makes you smile.
Keep being
positive...and if you EVER need an ear, seriously, I am here for will
be in my thoughts and my heart when I do the 60-mile walk in San Diego in
From: Cathey Magill []
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Blue Ribbon Designs
Subject: Re: [Samplings From A Blue Ribbon Girl] New comment on One of the Reasons....
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Blue Ribbon Designs
Subject: Re: [Samplings From A Blue Ribbon Girl] New comment on One of the Reasons....
Belinda! I’m completely shocked! You didn’t need to do that.
I actually opened your email late, late, late last night but had to wait to
respond because I was just too emotional... I am so happy to receive your
special pattern :) And that’s what it is, special. Hopefully I will
have time to stitch at least something from it. After looking at it over
and over again, I do have an idea in mind...
you mind if I ‘borrowed’ your picture of this design or if you sent it to me by
email? I’d love to write a post on my Blog. I won’t mention that
you sent me the pattern as a gift if you don’t want me to. I know some
people are very sensitive about that sort of thing >:o( .
feel very small though for not sponsoring you though :( You’ve gone and
done something so kind and generous. I hope you don’t think that I’m
being ungrateful. You see, I send a monthly donation to the Canadian
Breast Cancer Foundation and have been doing so for almost 12 years now. I hope you understand...
can tell you one thing I would like to see in the future. I know runs
like this raise the money for breast cancer research and that is the most
important but after having Edwin I’ve realized they’re missing something.
How great would it be to have a program to help out new/single/low income
mothers who are diagnosed? I’m extremely blessed because my parents just
picked up and moved down here to help us out but what if you had no one?
DH and I have been talking about this for awhile now and I wish there was
someway to set up a foundation. Maybe if I win the lottery very
soon! LOL!
I have babbled on for way too long. It might be the pain medication so
please forgive me if I’ve said something that’s offended you! Does the
warning Do Not Operate Machinery apply to computers as well? ;)
This conversation continued in several more messages, but you get the point...Cathey had a beautiful soul and truly touched lives...she was a rare shining star. I am honored that I had a chance to get to know her...and I am honored to walk 60 miles for her in November...and I will keep walking until there is a cure...
...and now for something that would make Cathey smile...
Thanks to the love and support of my dear friends, family, and the AMAZING needlework community, I have reached my fundraising goal of $7,500 for the Komen 3-Day!! Yes, I am happy dancing!! I am so very touched by the show of support and the notes I have received - thank you so very much. I can't even begin to express my gratitude - I am overwhelmed by your kindness, love, and genuine support. I have heard from several people that I should raise my goal higher...that I might get more donations if I was still working to reaching my goal...but I think all of you know that no matter what my thermometer reads, I will still be trying to raise funds for breast cancer education and awareness - my goal will always be "more"...if you haven't already, please consider making a donation - no amount is too small...and of course, no amount is too large....we CAN make a difference....and don't forget, my "Red Rosies and Pink Posies" needlework chart is still available to those who make a donation of $15 or more. You can read all about my journey, see my progress, and make a donation by visiting:
I will continue to train and raise funds...and I plan to take every step of the 60 miles - for Cathey, for my many supporters, for the survivors, and for the fighters...
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Bats, Cats, and Ravens
For those of you who are not familiar with an embroidery machine or freestanding lace, here is a little idea of how these ornaments are made - using digitized designs, the machine embroiders the ornaments on water-soluble stabilizer...once the design is completely stitched, you put it in water and the stabilizer dissolves, leaving you with a beautiful piece of lace made completely of embroidery thread. I like to put a piece of ribbon through the hanger on ornament before placing it in a card or on a gift. Each large motif can take anywhere from 45 minutes to well over an hour to make...the larger and more detailed the design, the longer they take to embroider. They are quite sturdy and will stay looking great for years to come...and freestanding lace can be pressed with a hot iron at any time...and starched, if needed...
Also currently in the shop - more Mischief at Midnight Finishing Kits...and a limited number of Harvest Huswif Finishing Kits - these are the same finishing materials used for the model and original class kits...and all the supplies are pre-cut and ready for use (NOTE: these are finishing kits only - you will have to purchase the chart and the stitching supplies from your needlework shop of choice).

I am now headed to my sewing machine to work on a custom order...then I am off to my stitching nest to do some model work - I am knee deep in fast approaching deadline that I am hoping to finish up in the next day or two...I hope you are having a creative and productive day!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Additional Inspiration from AQS QuiltWeek
Purple Yellow Mosaic |
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Spice personal favorite... |
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Tarek Abdelhay |
A little history: In the times of nomadic desert travel, most homes were constructed of canvas walls and roofs - tentmakers would embellishing the inner walls of these canvas structures with brightly colored designs, hoping to bring color and texture to the plain desert landscape. Over the years, these designs became extremely vibrant and more and more intricate. Although the use of these particular quilts as dwelling art has diminished in Egypt, they are still used for ceremonial purposes, such as: temporary decorations at weddings, funerals, henna parties, or Ramadan celebrations.
You can see additional photos of these intricate and colorful quilts by visiting the AQS Online Catalog, where there are many available for purchase.
UPDATE: I received a lovely comment from Kim Beamish after writing this blog post - Kim is the producer of The Tentmakers Of Chareh El Khiamiah - a documentary film focusing on the dwindling community of traditional Egyptian artisans know as the Tentmakers of Cairo.
Her comment reads: Great to see that you met Hosam and Tarek two very good friends of mine. They always enjoy the awe and excitement by quilters who know their thing watching them work. If you or anyone else is looking for more information about the tentmakers of Cairo please take a look at our website and find out more about the documentary film we are presently in production of called 'The Tentmakers of Chareh El Khiamiah'.
Visit the website mentioned to see wonderful videos, photos, articles, and shop.
I hope you enjoyed today's post, filled with color, creativity, and design...just writing about these exhibits makes me want to rush to my studio and play!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Caohagan Quilts - More from AQS QuiltWeek
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Special exhibit program cover - click to enlarge... |
After viewing my photographs from the show and looking through the show book, I decided I wanted to do a little reading and research on Caohagan and these colorful island quilts....there was just something special and inviting about these one-of-a-kind quilts and I needed to know more...
Caohagan is an extremely small island in the Philippines located between Cebu and Bohol - it is just over 31 square miles and is home to 600 people - it is known for it's scenic beaches and amazing marine life. Katsuhiko Sakiyama purchased the island in 1987, and settled there with his wife 1991. His wife Junko taught quilting in Japan, so it was no surprise when she decided to teach the women from Caohagan about the craft of handwork. Caohagan is a quiet village whose main source of income has always been fishing; however, today the residents are earning bigger profits from the art of quilting - as the men thrive on the bounty of the sea, the women (and some men) are stitching quilts.
Today more than 120 of the island's 600 residents are quilters...and their earnings make up 1/3 of the island's total income. Proceeds from quilt sales help support the needs of the island residents, with focus on healthcare ad education. Caohagan quilts are handmade and individually created without any rough sketches or planning. Using vivid colors and island images, each artisan cuts and sews to create pieces/blocks for their quilt. Each quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted and takes from three to four months to complete...and each one is completely unique.
Here are just a few of the cheerful quilts on display...each quilt had a tag with details and a photo of the creator(s)...
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Image from show program - click to enlarge... |
Friday, October 4, 2013
"Redbirds Rejoice"
Have you picked up the Just CrossStitch 2013 Special Christmas Ornament Issue yet?? I finally received my designer copy in the mail yesterday (along with my ornament model)...and although I haven't found the time to devour the issue yet, I did make a moment to glance through the pages. My 2013 ornament is called "Redbirds Rejoice" and can be found on page 15 of this special publication. My ornament is stitched on Mocha linen by Weeks Dye Works using Weeks Dye Works cotton floss (I also provided DMC conversions) and uses Cross Stitch over-one and Cross Stitch over-two....but, as always, I encourage you to use your favorite fabric and threads. This ornament is a flat-finish (not sure why the magazine referred to "pillow-ornament" finishing?) with two-color twisted cord...and I am just thrilled with the results. I also included a recipe for Gingerbread Bundt Cake that smells AMAZING when baking and tastes phenomenal! Make sure to check out this favorite issue - it can currently be found at your favorite needlework shop and on newsstands...and at $9.99 for 76 designs, it is quite the bargain! It is the perfect time of year to start stitching holiday ornaments and gifts...
Thursday, October 3, 2013
AQS QuiltWeek in Des Moines
I actually took the day off yesterday to visit the 2013 AQS QuiltWeek being held at the Iowa Events Center (October 2-5). My dear friend Kimber and her husband Tom were kind enough to invite me along again this year to view the show with them...and it truly was a splendid day! We headed downtown bright and early, so we could see everything in one day - we actually arrived before the doors opened. We started by walking the vendor area, then we perused the Des Moines Area Quilters Guild 30th Annual Quilt Show...and finally we walked the AQS Quilt Contest Exhibit. It was sensory overload as we visited an array of fabulous vendors, then took in all the incredible quilts on display...I was so inspired by the creativity and talent, that I completely lost track of time and the day evaporated without a second thought. If you are in the Des Moines area or plan to be this week, this show is a MUST SEE. After we finished our visit to the quilt show, we headed to the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall to see the antique and vintage quilts, sewing notions, and sewing memorabilia vendors prominently placed about their booths...and yes, we did find a couple goodies. After our day of shopping, viewing, and walking, we had all built up quite an we headed to The Drake Diner to refuel - a local favorite/landmark for a delicious late lunch. It was the perfect day off....and has quickly become a favorite annual event!
The show included an incredible merchandise mall with more than 280 Merchant Mall booths! Yes, there was shopping GALORE - aisles upon aisles of ways to spend your hard-earned fact, the shopping mall was so large, it took us most of the morning to walk down each of the aisles. I must admit, I did very well at controlling my "urge" to spend and kept my purchases to a fact, I only purchased a couple patterns (although I was tempted by MANY). I thought I would share a few of my favorite booths with you..and yes, these photos were all taken with the permission of the kind and creative vendors....
First up, Yellow Creek Quilt Designs...I love this vendor and their gorgeous designs! I seriously could live in this booth - each and every one of their quilt designs is incredible and every single one is on my "must make" list. They have a brand new book called "Kindred Spirits: Celebrating Pieces of the Past", and many of the projects were on display (BREATHTAKING!) - this book is another "must have" for me. One of the things I admire about their designs - you can use traditional fabrics (their style) or switch it up and use modern fabrics to give each piece an updated look...making them perfect for just about any quilter! They also had the most incredible hexagon quilts on display...using teeny tiny hexagons...the ones in the photo have hexagons that are 1/4" and 3/8"...but we were shown even smaller paper pieces (yes, they were itty bitty!)...I was awestruck by these models and their intricacy (I feel very blessed they allowed me to take a couple photos to share with you). Yellow Creek Designs has a quilt shop in Pearl City, IL...or visit their website for their online won't be disappointed...
Another very favorite vendor - From my heart to your hands: Quilt Designs by Lori Smith. I have adored Lori's designs for years - so much so, that there are a bunch (and I mean a bunch!) in my personal stash (and I hate to admit it, but I have purchased some of her designs twice, because they speak to me and I forget what all I have in my collection). Walking up to Lori's vendor booth, my eyes were immediately drawn to "Mrs. Lincoln's Sampler Quilt" (pattern shown right and model shown in the top photo below) is incredible...and was one of the two purchases I made in the vendor mall...I can't begin to tell you how much I love this is so very "me". I can hear each and every one of her models calling my name and I could spend hours in this particular booth admiring each, love, love! Visit the From my heart to your hands: Quilt Designs by Lori Smith website to see all these beauties and Lori's online is FULL of eye candy!
Finally, the Millie P's Quilt Shop booth...the fabulous models from this vendor stood out to me from the very start! It looks like I have a new shop to visit when I am in Minnesota in a couple weeks (even if I have to drag my husband kicking and screaming!). Millie P's Quilt Shop is located in Anoka, MN and is a "must visit" for me. I jut love their color and fabric choices...and their models make you want to purchase every pattern they have for sale. I also adored the white fixture holding fat was such an inviting display. Everything was cheerful and beautiful and made me happy...
Up view of the Des Moines Area Quilters Guild 30th Annual Quilt Show (through my camera lens, of course)...I truly took hundreds of photos - but here are some that stood out to me. This year's annual show was titled "Our Quilting Legacy" and included over 400 quilts made by guild members. The show also included a silent auction with over 100 small is a slideshow...visit my Flickr page for sharper images and details of each photo (including entry information and quilter's names)...
Created with flickr slideshow.
Now for the 2013 AQS QuiltWeek Contest Quilts...and these were spectacular - there were over 170 AQS contest quilts vying for $44,000 in cash awards! One of my favorites was "On Your Mark" created by Barbara Barrick McKie in Lyme, was in the fabric art category...and it was a SQUIRREL quilt...and it looked completely realistic and 3D - the squirrel was jumping off the quilt - and although it was not a ribbon winner, I thought it was incredible! Take a look at the slideshow below to see all the quilts (including the squirrel)...and again, visit my Flickr page for sharper images and details of each photo (including entry information and quilter's names)...
Created with flickr slideshow.
I know I have given you plenty of inspiring images today...and I still have some more to share in the next several days...check back in a day or two if you would like to see more images from my day off!
The show included an incredible merchandise mall with more than 280 Merchant Mall booths! Yes, there was shopping GALORE - aisles upon aisles of ways to spend your hard-earned fact, the shopping mall was so large, it took us most of the morning to walk down each of the aisles. I must admit, I did very well at controlling my "urge" to spend and kept my purchases to a fact, I only purchased a couple patterns (although I was tempted by MANY). I thought I would share a few of my favorite booths with you..and yes, these photos were all taken with the permission of the kind and creative vendors....
First up, Yellow Creek Quilt Designs...I love this vendor and their gorgeous designs! I seriously could live in this booth - each and every one of their quilt designs is incredible and every single one is on my "must make" list. They have a brand new book called "Kindred Spirits: Celebrating Pieces of the Past", and many of the projects were on display (BREATHTAKING!) - this book is another "must have" for me. One of the things I admire about their designs - you can use traditional fabrics (their style) or switch it up and use modern fabrics to give each piece an updated look...making them perfect for just about any quilter! They also had the most incredible hexagon quilts on display...using teeny tiny hexagons...the ones in the photo have hexagons that are 1/4" and 3/8"...but we were shown even smaller paper pieces (yes, they were itty bitty!)...I was awestruck by these models and their intricacy (I feel very blessed they allowed me to take a couple photos to share with you). Yellow Creek Designs has a quilt shop in Pearl City, IL...or visit their website for their online won't be disappointed...
Another very favorite vendor - From my heart to your hands: Quilt Designs by Lori Smith. I have adored Lori's designs for years - so much so, that there are a bunch (and I mean a bunch!) in my personal stash (and I hate to admit it, but I have purchased some of her designs twice, because they speak to me and I forget what all I have in my collection). Walking up to Lori's vendor booth, my eyes were immediately drawn to "Mrs. Lincoln's Sampler Quilt" (pattern shown right and model shown in the top photo below) is incredible...and was one of the two purchases I made in the vendor mall...I can't begin to tell you how much I love this is so very "me". I can hear each and every one of her models calling my name and I could spend hours in this particular booth admiring each, love, love! Visit the From my heart to your hands: Quilt Designs by Lori Smith website to see all these beauties and Lori's online is FULL of eye candy!
Finally, the Millie P's Quilt Shop booth...the fabulous models from this vendor stood out to me from the very start! It looks like I have a new shop to visit when I am in Minnesota in a couple weeks (even if I have to drag my husband kicking and screaming!). Millie P's Quilt Shop is located in Anoka, MN and is a "must visit" for me. I jut love their color and fabric choices...and their models make you want to purchase every pattern they have for sale. I also adored the white fixture holding fat was such an inviting display. Everything was cheerful and beautiful and made me happy...
Up view of the Des Moines Area Quilters Guild 30th Annual Quilt Show (through my camera lens, of course)...I truly took hundreds of photos - but here are some that stood out to me. This year's annual show was titled "Our Quilting Legacy" and included over 400 quilts made by guild members. The show also included a silent auction with over 100 small is a slideshow...visit my Flickr page for sharper images and details of each photo (including entry information and quilter's names)...
Now for the 2013 AQS QuiltWeek Contest Quilts...and these were spectacular - there were over 170 AQS contest quilts vying for $44,000 in cash awards! One of my favorites was "On Your Mark" created by Barbara Barrick McKie in Lyme, was in the fabric art category...and it was a SQUIRREL quilt...and it looked completely realistic and 3D - the squirrel was jumping off the quilt - and although it was not a ribbon winner, I thought it was incredible! Take a look at the slideshow below to see all the quilts (including the squirrel)...and again, visit my Flickr page for sharper images and details of each photo (including entry information and quilter's names)...
I know I have given you plenty of inspiring images today...and I still have some more to share in the next several days...check back in a day or two if you would like to see more images from my day off!
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