Saturday, July 31, 2010

Stars Over Pines

Today I give thanks...

I want to start by thanking all of my blog followers; thank you keeping up with my blog, your comments, your support, and your encouraging words! Although I don't leave comments for all of you, I want you to know, I do keep up with your blog posts and find so much enjoyment reading about your projects and creativity. Over the last month, I see I have quite a few new followers - WELCOME - I am so thrilled you found my blog. I am contemplating a giveaway once I pass the 200 followers stay tuned for more information once I achieve this milestone...

I also want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who supports Blue Ribbon Designs! I can't believe I have been at this (designing counted thread) for almost seven years...and I am getting close to releasing my 100th design. I feel extremely blessed to have a career in the needlework industry...and I hope my designs keep you excited enough to keep me around for many years to come.

So, to show my appreciation to all my wonderful/creative/unique needlework fans, followers, and friends, I have posted a new complimentary chart on my website...and you are hearing about it here first! It is titled "Stars Over Pines" (seen below) and is a winter holiday piece (it complements "Acorns and Owls" and "Bluebirds and Daisies"). To obtain a copy of this new complimentary pattern, simply visit my website: and click on "Freebie" in the left-hand menu - you will see a photo of this new design at the top of the webpage - click on the statement "CLICK HERE FOR CHART" (directly under the photo) - a new window will open containing the design in PDF form (you will need Adobe Reader to view/print the chart). Please remember, this design is protected by copyright law - thank you for respecting my copyright. I hope you enjoy this special design - my gift to you for your continued support, friendship, and encouragement...and if you haven't stitched any of my designs before, I hope this chart will entice you to purchase some of the larger designs in my catalog from your favorite needlework shop...

Thank you for bringing me joy - your support means the world to me...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Little Extra Sweetness

I love to fact, I rather bake than cook...I am not much for eating baked goods, but I really enjoy making me, it is relaxing. Since it is just me and my husband, I find I give away a lot of the items I bake. This week, Travis had a sweet tooth and wanted me to bake something....and due to limited supplies on hand, I narrowed it down to peanut butter cookies. This is a pretty standard cookie recipe, except I have a little twist before baking - I like to roll balls of dough in granulated sugar before flattening with the fork...I like a little crystal sugar on the outside of the cookie...a little extra sweetness!

Peanut Butter Cookies
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup shortening
1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
3 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 egg
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda

Heat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Combine peanut butter, shortening, light brown sugar, milk and vanilla in a large bowl - beat at medium speed (I use an electric mixer) until nicely blended - add egg - beat until blended.
Sift flour, salt, and baking soda - add to creamed mixture at low speed - mix until blended.
Roll heaping teaspoons of dough into balls - roll in granulated sugar - place approximately 2" apart on an ungreased baking sheet - flatten with fork (I like to do a criss-cross pattern).
Bake at 375 degrees F for 7 to 8 minutes or until just starting to turn brown. Cool for a couple minutes on baking sheet - then place on sheets of foil to cool completely.
This recipe makes about 3 dozen cookies. I almost always double the batch, as they freeze nicely.

I decided to foof (wrap with GiftGloss) several packages of cookies for our neighbors - just a fun little summer treat!

This past weekend, I started shipping my new designs ("Liberty Stitchery" and "Sweet Simple Samplings") to needlework shops and distributors, so they should be available VERY soon from your favorite shop....visit my website for more details. I am keeping quite busy with new designs for the Fall Needlework Market, but I did manage to design a new complimentary chart that I will be posting soon - in fact, I will debut it here you can look forward to that later this week (think Christmas!)...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cardinals For A Cure

Today I want to share some information on a very special project with you. Recently, Jean at Attic Needlework & Collectibles contacted me regarding her Annual Silent Auction for Breast Cancer Research. This year her already AMAZING fundraising efforts are expanding to include a published recipe book - this special cookbook "Recipe for a Cure" will also include charts and recipes from some of your favorite designers...and most importantly, all net proceeds from the sales of the recipe book are being donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. How can you help?? - share your favorite family recipe! They are still wanting more recipes and have extended the deadline until July 31, 2010. To learn how you can easily submit a recipe, check out the Attic's Latest Newsletter for details. I have submitted several recipes..and I have designed an ornament especially for this very worthy cause. The chart for my ornament titled "Cardinals for a Cure" (seen below) will be in the published cookbook...which will be the only place you can find this design for at least one year. Obviously since they are still gathering recipes, this unique recipe book is not available yet...but I will be sure to update you when it is! ...and even more special news - I have donated my ornament model - the exact one seen below - to be auctioned off at the Annual Silent Auction in November....yep, stitched and finished by my own two hands! The auction (held each year - the last Saturday evening before Thanksgiving), raised approximately $20,000 last year from donations, mostly handmade ornaments. I will be sure to keep you updated on this spectacular fundraiser later this fall - but I wanted you (my blog readers/followers) to see my ornament design first! So, for now, take a moment to send in your recipes...and later this year, make sure to support this very worthy cause by purchasing a copy of "Recipes for a Cure"....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunshine and Sunflowers

Although I am suffering from a terrible migraine today, I am still feeling blessed. What a better way to start the day than by looking out my studio window and seeing this amazing sunflower! Now, I can't take credit for growing this masterpiece - it is actually in one of my neighbor's flower gardens - she definitely has a green thumb and I am envious of her gardening abilities. I feel this is a sign of good things to come...and it brought happiness to my morning...

I also received a Blackberry message from my dear friend Terri, who saw the cover of the Just CrossStitch Annual Halloween Issue on a needlework shop website...and I am excited to say, my ornament is on the cover! It is in the lower right-hand corner...the owl sitting on a jack-o-lantern...and is titled "Perched on a Pumpkin". Look for this issue to arrive in August...

And finally, I just had to share something uplifting. Most days, my mailbox is full of junk mail and bills...yes, I do have those days where I am expecting something special (an online needlework order, a magazine) but they are few and far between. Several days ago, I received what looked like a bill from the company I order all my poly bags and shipping supplies from...normally, I pay the order online and they send me an invoice marked "paid" for my records...I have been ordering from them for about seven years (because of their great customer service), and other than a catalog or an invoice copy, I do not receive correspondence from them. The envelope I just received threw me off a little, as I had not recently placed an order - I immediately thought something was wrong with my account or I was being billed/charged for an order I did not place...what I found was something that blew me away! It was a letter thanking me for my business (so impressive!)...and even more impressive, it included two tickets to the Iowa State Fair in August. That might not sound over-the-top to you, but this company is not even located in Iowa - they are in say I was blown away is an understatement. In these economic times, where customer service is not always at the forefront, this small gesture seemed so gave me hope...and showed me there are those top-notch companies out there that do appreciate their customers and clients. Thank you Associated Bag Company - you brightened my day!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Berries, Birds, and Blooms...

I finished my sampler for Just CrossStitch magazine this week...and I really am thrilled with how it turned out! Obviously, I can't share a photo with will have to wait until the Jan/Feb 2011 issue is released...but I will give you just a teeny tiny little is titled "Berries, Birds, and Blooms" and is one of my signature samplers...

As far as home front news...I haven't shared any photos or stories, because nothing is finished...yep, you heard me with most home improvement projects (and especially when dealing with contractors) there are always delays and additional issues. The bathroom remodel should have been done a week ago, but we are still waiting on several square feet of porcelain tile to arrive that just happen to be on back-order (go figure!) we are still without a master bathroom. I feel like everything is a mess (inside and outside)...and for those of you who know me, I don't do messy well AT ALL...I like everything in it's place and I like to be in control....right now everything is out of place and I have absolutely no control...yes, someone is definitely trying to teach me a lesson. I have slightly calmed down over the last few days, but for the most part, I have been grumpy and frustrated. Good thing I have tons of work and stitching to do to keep me occupied (and sane).

I have started charting and picking materials for four new designs to be released this fall...I have three 2011 teaching designs to prepare....a new complimentary pattern that will be coming soon...and one other special project I was just asked to work on (that I am hoping to find time to fit in this next week). It seems like so much...yet, I feel inspired and ready to create...hopefully I will be sharing some of these creations with you REAL soon....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brightening my day...

As some of you know from a previous posting, when I was teaching in New England, I brought home some of the most gorgeous decorated pins by PuntiniPuntini. These wonderful pins and buttons are imported from Italy and are distributed in the United States exclusively by ABC Stitch Therapy...and each one is unique and adorable....they all make me smile...they all make me happy! Recently ABC Stitch had a sale on PuntiniPuntini, and I just couldn't resist - I had to order several more sets of pins for myself...and several sets of pins and buttons for gifts. Below are the ones I purchased for myself...they all have a springtime/summertime feel to me...and when I opened the package, they immediately brightened my day! Once I give the other sets to their recipients, I will share them with you, as well. Now to find the perfect projects to use these with...until then, they will be on display in my studio, where they can bring me joy each day...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Coming Soon...

My two new designs are *finally* back from the framer...and the printing process is underway. These took a little longer than expected...and I am happy they are ready for printing and then packaging...*hopefully* they will be shipping to needlework shops by the end of the month. I am busy getting the website updated and supply lists posted - this information should be available in the next couple days (please be patient with me)....

Sweet Simple Samplings (model stitched on 40-count Lentil by Lakeside Linens with Weeks Dye Works Cotton Floss):

Liberty Stitchery (model stitched on 40-count Fawn by Lakeside Linens with The Gentle Art Sampler Threads):

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fabulous Friday...

Who knew a month ago when I planned a road trip with friends, it would be so desperately needed! Yesterday I spent the day with my dear friends Mary and Merry...and what a true blessing it was...we had a wonderful time. We started out first thing in the morning and headed to the Amana Colonies to visit Heritage Designs Quilting and Needlework Shop...then had lunch at the Ox Yoke Inn and visited the General Store. We make the trip to the Amanas at least once a year...but this time, we cut our stay a bit short, as there were multiple buses in the area and most shops and restaurants were over-crowded and uncomfortable. We did find some fun stitching/quilting stash...and I picked up some fresh-baked cinnamon swirl bread (YUMMY) and some Blazin' Habanero Salsa (one of my favorites!).

We then headed to Pella (via a CRAZY detour that gave us a VERY scenic look at rural Iowa)...a small Iowa city with amazing Dutch heritage (founded in 1847 by 800 Dutch immigrants)...although Pella is home to several large manufacturing companies, it has the look and feel of a small town - adorned with tulips, windmills, and an adorable town square with fabulous small shops and Dutch specialities. Of course we went to Vande Lune Fabrics (a great quilt shop)...then we were off to the Jaarsma Bakery - where I picked up the most delicious cinnamon coffee cake and of course, a box of Dutch Letters. After the bakery, we walked some of the square and visited several small shops...and even stopped at Smokey Row for a few beverages (I had a yummy raspberry smoothie)...

I also have to share this fabulous gift basket my friend Merry brought me...filled with her special homemade jellies and spreads! Oh my goodness - she REALLY outdid herself (as you can see by the photo below)...and she packaged it all in a cute patriotic basket with a red, white, and blue kitchen towel...I am still blown away. I've mentioned to you before that she is a marvelous cook and I am sure each of these jellies is going to be a special treat...especially the Jalapeno Jelly (because I love spicy). Wait until you hear the list of spreads included...(bottom row L to R) Raspberry Soft Fruit Spread, Jalapeno Jelly, Orchard Tea Jelly...(middle row) Oregano Blossom Jelly and Lemon Thyme Moscato Wine Jelly...(top row) Thai Basil Jelly and Chamomille Tea incredibly amazing is that list?! Also included in the basket were recipe cards, a refrigerator magnet, and an adorable package of Swankie Hankies! Thank you Merry, from the bottom of my heart - I am overwhelmed by your kindness! If you would like to read more about Merry and all her kitchen and sewing adventures, be sure to visit her blog "A Farm In My Heart", where she shares her latest endeavors and even some of her recipes!

And finally, an update on the house...the bathroom is 2/3 remodeled and most of the new tile is in has been a dirty and dusty job and I can't wait for it to be finished early next week...I took some "before" photos and I will share them with you when the work is complete....the good news is, it really is looking GREAT! Today, the mini skid loader is currently in action and dirt is being moved, along with the retaining wall being built....and I thought the bathroom job was messy....sheesh...our driveway is completely covered with 60 retaining wall blocks, 60 retaining wall caps, 3 tons of river rock, and 1 ton of road gravel for this husband and his landscaping friend started at 7:00 AM and it will be an all day job - they are hoping to finish up today, as rain is in the forecast again tomorrow. Looks like I will be visiting the local nursery for bags of grass seed and mulch to repair my lawn. Photos will be forthcoming of this landscaping project, as well. I would be a total "basket case" at this moment, but my trip with friends yesterday really helped calm me. Now, if I can just stay focused with all the commotion and get my work done this usual, I have a LONG to-do list...

A happy weekend to all...I hope you make time to do something you love...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Saga Continues...

Although I was able to get out for the evening on the 4th of July, the drama continues in our household...what a crazy couple weeks it has been...and there are no signs of "calm" in the near future. Over the weekend, we finalized most of our home remodel with the contractors and the majority of the decisions have now been made...and most measurements have been taken. The stump removal company came and removed the hedges in the front of our house (just before an entire day of rain), leaving a messy mud pit in their place. While all of these things are going on, my husband decided it was the perfect time to do a friend a favor and watch their dog (a young female Boxer) for the weekend - that was interesting (for me overwhelming), especially since Simba is still recovering from his surgery and not supposed to get too excited...and although he was a quarter of her size, he did show her who was boss. After the weekend, I thought the uproar might be over for a few days...but more major thing had to happen...our master bathroom had a slight leak in the shower faucet and my husband, who means well - but who is definitely not a plumber, tried to take matters into his own, was that ever an EXPENSIVE/labor intensive mistake. A small fix, made unfixable (if that is a word) by my husband (who must be a close relative of Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor) has turned into the entire shower/tub being pulled out, the pipes being repaired, and a new tiled shower put in to replace the old shower/tub combo. So, starting tomorrow, the master bathroom is going to be gutted and more commotion will be going on for the next week. Ugh, ugh, and ugh. Even more scary - this weekend, my husband and a friend of his (who is a landscaper), will be using a small skid loader (destroying more of my lawn) to move dirt in our backyard, build a retaining wall, and put down rock before adding/building a shed...I think I need to find a quiet place to go for the day or I might have a complete breakdown. Whew...enough venting...

Let's move off the "craziness" topic and on to something a little more creative. As most of you know, about a month ago, I was teaching in Enfield, NH at the first ever New England Stitcher's Retreat....and if you have been reading my blog, you know it was held at the Enfield Shaker Museum/Great Stone Dwelling. Last fall, the event coordinators had asked me to design a Shaker-style piece for the, I had immediately gone to the library and started doing research to help me design something special. Now, I am thrilled to share with you, I have been asked to return in October 2011 to teach a new class with another very special Shaker project. Again, I have been doing more research and reading...and looking for more information to inspire my design process....and I happened upon the most wonderful table book. It is called "Gather Up The Fragments: The Andrews Shaker Collection", authored by Mario S. De Pillis and Christian Goodville, with photography by Michael Fredericks...oh my goodness, this is a BEAUTIFUL book with exquisite is full of history...and is an excellent catalog featuring fabulous images all sorts of Shaker artifacts - including furniture, tools, clothing, boxes, baskets, and linens. I was so excited to add this amazing reference book to my research library....and can't wait to make time to savor each and every page!

I am now off to do more model stitching and charting...and taking more aspirin to help with my on-going headache. Hopefully I will be back in a few days with a glowing report, a new outlook, and a repaired/remodeled bathroom....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Playing with my Accuquilt GO! Fabric Cutter

So, craziness ensued again today...but early in the morning, before the day actually started, I did make time to do a little quilting. I have been itching to play with my Accuquilt GO! Fabric Cutter, so I decided to start their block of the month series. Accuquilt sent out the first block in June and the second block (for July) arrived in my inbox yesterday. I found a pile of coordinating fabrics (Winsome by Nancy Halvorsen for Benartex) in my stash and quickly cut the first two blocks. Block #1 (left) is the double cross block...and went pretty smoothly for me - with the exception of sewing one piece upside down, which was easily fixed with a few moments and a seam ripper. This block used the half square 3" finished triangle die and the 6 1/2" triangle die. Block #2 (right) is the dutchman's puzzle block...and took a little more time, as all those bias triangle sides are a bit fussy....but I was pretty pleased once I had it pieced...I definitely learned some new things when piecing this particular square. This block uses the 4 7/8" triangle die and the half square 3" finished triangle die. All the blocks in this BOTM series are 12" blocks - great for practicing and learning. Now that I have started and have all my supplies together, I am definitely looking forward to the next block in August...I should have a pretty good size sampler quilt once all of the blocks are released!

When my hour of quiet time was over, it was back to reality...I spent quite a bit of time out working in the yard today. I'm off to get cleaned up, then I have a date with my Just CrossStitch Magazine sampler model...which I am hoping to have finished in the next few days....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sweet Simple Samplings - The Smalls

To say this week has been a bit hectic in our household would be an understatement. First off all, after being vandalized while I was in Rockford, my Jeep was at the dealer being repaired/painted this week...this meant several days of a trashy rental car (seriously, with my moderate OCD, I had to Lysol it before driving it). We are also in the middle of starting a bunch of home, we had meetings with our bank, an appraiser, and multiple contractors this week for new roofing, windows & doors, siding, and a new deck - it was almost overwhelming picking new colors, windows, doors, skylights, wood for the deck, light fixtures, and various other things. On top of that, we are doing some landscaping and building a small retaining wall in our back yard, so there was a bunch going on with that as well....and today I had a stump removal company come to give us an estimate for removing the awful hedges in the front of our house. That would all be enough...but on Wednesday, I had to take Simba (my Shih Tzu) to the vet for the day to have his teeth cleaned and his annual shots...he has had a small growth on his leg for quite some time, and at his last grooming it had been an issue, so we decided to have it removed, as well...he made it through everything okay, but he has five stitches in his leg (which he constantly wants to lick) - so he has an E-Collar (you know, the lampshade that goes around his neck)...which is a HUGE issue, as he cries, whines, and grunts the entire time it is needless to say, I have had two sleepless nights. Add all that to my increasing pile of work and I feel like everything is out of control! I did find time to finish up the smalls for "Sweet Simple Samplings" (shown below)...and I am frantically model stitching on various other deadlines. I am hoping to release "Liberty Stitchery" and "Sweet Simple Samplings" towards the end of July (if all goes well) - I was hoping to have both pieces back from my framer today...but that didn't happen...maybe tomorrow...then the files will go to my local printer for production. I have so many new Blue Ribbon Designs projects I want to start...and so many ideas swirling around in my head...if I can just stay focused with all the construction starting soon. I think I will need my weekly sewing/quilting stress reliever tomorrow morning...

Wishing you a wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend...take some time to enjoy family, food, and fireworks...