Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Let It Snow!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Buttons and Bottle Caps

I also made a couple more batches of my bottle cap magnets...I had found some wonderful adhesive tin pins at the scrapbook store that I fell in love with (aren't the bird and the goose adorable?!) - they fit perfectly in the bottle caps, so I attached them with Amazing GOOP craft adhesive and added a magnet to the back of each - super easy and super cute!

I've been running in a million different directions lately...trying to get new designs prepared, trying to make holiday gifts, along with managing my business and our household (and still nursing what is left of my cold/flu) - I have been a multitasking machine. The whole time I worked on the above projects, I had my sewing/embroidery machine working on embroidered snowflakes and had multiple household chores going on...it's been a little chaotic here trying to get my to-do list done...but each night, I have been stitching up a storm, working on new models for early 2012. "Friendship Blooms" is almost ready for a peek - it may be done tonight (if I work into the wee hours of the morning, like usual) - if not I hope to finish it up tomorrow...so be on the lookout for a sighting soon!
Friday, November 25, 2011
A Loveliness of Ladybugs

- In the past, doctors would mash ladybugs and put them in your mouth to cure a toothache
- You can fit 80,000 ladybugs into a gallon jug
- Male ladybugs are smaller than female ladybugs
- They can live for as many as three years
- A ladybug beats its wings 85 times per second when it flies
- Their spots fade as they get older
I decided I would work on more of my handmade holiday gifts instead of fighting the shopping crowds today...and spending my morning in the sewing studio was my gift, as it brings me sheer joy. So now, back to my sewing project...okay, how cute are these little ladybug zippered pouches?!...I guess they are technically "coin purses", but I plan to put stitchy things inside - a pair of scissors, needles, needle threader, 3" ruler, etc....a special little sewing/stitching kit. The wings are cotton quilting fabric...the head, the spots, and the belly are felted wool fabric...and of course, the eyes are buttons. The first "ladybird" was so adorable, I had to make a whole family (Teresa, I know you are smiling!)...plus I wanted to try out several red fabric prints that I thought would make cute ladybug wings. The head and the spots were attached using a blanket stitch, which could easily be done by hand - but I chose to do this stitch on my sewing machine. They measure about 5" in diameter, so they are the perfect size to tuck in your stitching bag, tote, or purse....and the zipper closure helps keep all your handy little tools safe inside. I have a few special people in mind to receive a lucky ladybug...and I might just keep one for myself because they make me happy! I hope you will take some time to work on a project that brings you happiness...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Creative Clothespins

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
"Beauty In Simplicity" For A Frame

I did manage to (finally) finish the framed model for "Beauty In Simplicity". Some of you may remember this design - it was a teaching piece for the first New England Stitcher's Retreat in the spring of 2010. For the class, we did the lid of an oval shaker box, a pinkeep, a scissor fob, and a needlebook (seen upper right)...but for consumer release, I also wanted to add a framed version of the design. I put in the final stitches a couple nights ago and it will be headed to the framer this week. To be quite honest, I am not sure when I am going to release this design - by the time it is framed and the printing files will be ready, it will be January and with the TNNA Nashville Needlework Market in February, it may make the most sense to release this design at market....so rest assured (for those of you who have been requesting this design) it will be released in early 2012...I will be sure to let you know all the details when I have them sorted out. This chartpack will include charting, directions, and finishing instructions for the framed design, the shaker box, and all three smalls. So here you go - a peek at the framed design - and you are seeing it here first...

...and since I just mentioned the New England Stitcher's Retreat - I will share some more news with you - I have been invited back to teach at the amazing Enfield Shaker Museum again in October 2012! This is breaking news, so obviously, I don't have a design to share with you yet - but the theme for this upcoming fall retreat is Halloween and I am already brainstorming for the project...I hope to see many new and familiar faces at this New Hampshire event next year! You can read more about the events at http://www.stitchingretreat.com.
Tonight I will be stitching on the model for "Friendship Blooms" - I am well underway on this new design and hope to have a peek to you by the end of the month. I also have some really fun handmade holiday gifts underway and will have some great sewing/crafting ideas for you in the next couple weeks...and yes, I am still taking it easy and getting plenty of rest...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Bottle Cap Magnets

This afternoon, I had fun finishing up some bottle cap magnets while watching the Michigan football game (WAY TO GO BLUE!!!) - another simple task that I could manage with my miserable cold. The materials list is pretty small to make these beautiful bottle caps: pretty papers or stickers, glue, scissors (a 1" round circle punch helps tremendously), magnets, bottle caps, and Diamond Glaze by Judy Kins. There are many good instructions, tutorials, and videos on this subject (some use different materials) - if you are interested in making your own magnets, just do a Google search and you will get lots of great advice. I managed to finish-up twelve magnets today -which will be holiday gifts....and I have pretty paper picked out for another batch in the near future...
This rest of this afternoon, I plan to try to do a little model stitching...as much as I can handle on cold medication...I am ALMOST finished with the model for "Beauty In Simplicity" and I want to get it to the framer this week - then I plan to continue work on the "Friendship Blooms" model...
Friday, November 18, 2011
Playing with Pins

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the holidays approaching quickly...especially since I like to make most of my gifts. I sat down a few days ago and made a list of gifts I would like to create for the loved ones in my life...and as usual, I don't know how I will get them all done - along with the pile of fast approaching deadlines I have with my design business. I made myself a schedule - well, being sick, I haven't been able to try it out yet...but I did get things down on paper...hopefully once I am healthy, I can reach all of my goals.
While I have been trying to model stitch with my cold/flu, counting does not seem to be my strong suit right now...so I opted for something a bit simpler this evening. Obviously, if you read my blog, then you know I have an extreme fondness for pincushions...and I am always on the lookout of special pins to decorate them with for gift giving. Lately I have been inspired to make my own unique pins...and tonight, that is exactly what I did...I bundled up in my comfy chair, with my hot tea, cold/flu medicine, and a tray of supplies (and Simba too!). I just gathered up some wools, buttons, threads, scissors, glue, flat-head pins, pearls, and beads - and then I played. The result was a pile of fancy pins I will be able to dress up my pincushions with this holiday season. What do you think? - I am actually thrilled with the results...not bad for a girl with a bright red nose who can't keep any food down...I can only image how well they would look, if I was 100%...I definitely see more of these in my future...

wool fabric
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Friendship - The Best Medicine
I am feeling a bit under the weather (actually, today I feel completely miserable) - I think my crazy schedule has finally caught up to me...but two special surprises have helped brighten my week!
Then yesterday, my sweet friend Merry brought me an amazing bag of goodies! I had actually missed her wine tasting party over the weekend because we were out of town for a family gathering (which totally bummed me out as I really REALLY wanted to be there)...so what does my thoughtful friend do? - she brings me all sorts of treats from her party to try with my own bottle of wine. She brought me pears and an apple, fig jelly, chocolates, crackers, and an amazing smoked blue cheese called "Moody Blue" - don't they all look scrumptious?! Merry - you can rest assured I will savor each of the goodies you packed up for me - thank you for the delicious surprise - you always spoil me and I cherish our friendship....
First, on Monday evening I received an adorable little box in the mail from Keepsake Quilting...which was quite a surprise, since I had not ordered anything. Inside was the sweetest note from my dear friend Sue (who lives in New York) along with a package of 75 die cut "Holiday Hearts" - how fun is that?! - my creativity kicked in right away, trying to decide how to use these fabric hearts. Each heart is cut from a different cotton quilting fabric...and I had a marvelous time going through the entire stack and seeing each of the patterns. Thank you so very much Sue - your surprise package totally brightened my day and lifted my spirits - I can see many hours of sewing enjoyment in my near future!

quilt shop,
Monday, November 14, 2011
Marvelous Mini Quilt

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Shopping, Stash, and Surprises
My final box arrived from California late this morning...it was the box I was waiting for...the one with all my stash and surprises! Opening the package was treat, as I was excited to see all the pressies and pretties I collected on my trip...

Finally - take a really good look at this...it is my favorite new piece of jewelry! This is one special beaded button bracelet...Lois made it especially for me...all the buttons represent autumn motifs I used in the "Harvest Huswif" piece that I designed for the class. I truly adore everything about this bracelet...seeing it instantly makes me happy...and I will treasure it for years to come. Lois thank you so much for making me such a gorgeous memento of our time together....I heart you!

This first photo is of the special Elegant Stitch Workshop gifties...the terrific treats that each attendee (and me) received...a wooden thread pallet and corner gauge - both engraved with Harvest Workshop 2011...and the most adorable little Moda pouch with three pockets and three tiny jars inside - one with needles, one with buttons, and one empty for tiny treasures.
...and I just had to show my name tag - how cute is that?! - with a pumpkin and a blue ribbon - all the attendees had one...so very creative and I just LOVED them!

I received several WONDERFUL gifts while at the Workshop - I am always touched by the kindness of retreat attendees....seems I always have a few special presents to take home. Pam, Lara, and Kim brought me the largest bag of Ghirardelli Chocolate I have ever seen (I plan to bribe my husband with some of it!)...thanks to the three of them, my sweet tooth will be taken care of for quite some time...here is a shot I took of just a few pieces....

...and after class I found out Sandy had left me a surprise gift bag...inside, it had the sweetest card and this LOVELY lavender scented sachet. Sandy - I'm not sure how you knew that I adore the scent of lavender - it is one of my favorites - thank you so very much - I love it!

I did quite a bit of shopping at Elegant Stitch - in fact, after the events were over, I *made* Lois take me back to purchase a few more things. I can't show everything here, as I did some holiday shopping for my close friends...but I will show you what I am adding to my stash...
First of all - this beyond beautiful needlework accessory from La-D-Da (the very talented Lori Markovic) - I can't wait to get this on the arm of my stitching nest chair - the photos do not do it justice - it is spectacular...

Of course I picked up more pins and buttons...note the larger version of the owl button from my bracelet (I love him!)...and the pretty petite pins on the light blue card in the lower right-hand corner - these are Lady Dot's Marking Pins and they are just precious...

And finally, Annie had the newest installment of Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers Club ready and waiting for me (look at the fabulous autumn floss colors) - I have every single Loose Feathers design that has been released from the beginning - I have been on the automatic with ES since day one - now I wish I could find time to stitch them all... I also picked up Barb and Alma's latest book "A Schoolgirl's Work: Samplers from the Spencer Museum of Art".

I was lucky enough to spend a day in Berkeley, CA with Lois - she planned for us to visit some great shops and (as usual) I was a good little shopper. Our first stop was New Pieces Quilt Shop - and I LOVED this place...it had a lot of fabrics I had not seen before...and the staff was extremely helpful and friendly! As many of you know I love looking for fabric with trees...and I found several great whimsical "tree" fabrics...along with a fabulous panel style fabric with the best owls...plus a lovely line of modern vegetable fabric...yep, all these came home with me...

We then headed to Stonemountain & Daughter Fabrics - and this shop did not disappoint - it had the most remarkable selection of fabrics for sewing, garments, home decor, and quilting - the aisles of bolts seemed endless. I was quite impressed with their selection of Japanese fabric and found a couple to splurge on - and of course the subjects were trees and owls. I also found a unique pile of quilting cottons. It was fun being in this shop on Halloween day - some of the staff were in costume and many shoppers were picking up last minute costume materials. The first photo is of the sign in their front window...

Our final stop in Berkeley was the Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles. I had wanted to visit this shop for quite some time, as they are known to have a very extensive collection of needlework books. This shop was a hodgepodge for me - the inventory was extensive and the book selection was fabulous...there were many treasures...but the treasures seemed to be mixed in with low-end merchandise. I did find a couple Japanese books to bring home - one on tiny embroidery and one on sashiko - there was a plethora of wonderful Japanese books and I had a hard time narrowing my purchase down to just two...I also picked up a copy of "Embroidered Stuart Pictures". It was a unique and interesting place to visit and I am so glad we stopped...

Whew...I had no idea I had so many things shipped home...what a great trip...I could not have asked for anything more - everything was perfect! Now to make time to put all my new stash to good use...
Winter Inspiration
I have been on work overload the last week...playing catch-up after being gone most of the month of October for teaching events. Yesterday, I finally got my desk under control and the to-do list is almost manageable. Late last night, I was able to sit down and work on some long overdue model stitching...I actually got quite a bit accomplished (which was encouraging). Before heading to bed, I decided to sneak a peek outside to see if the snow had started yet...and sure enough, the ground was covered with big white flakes...with it being late at night (well, actually early morning at 1:48 AM) and our first snow of the season, I quickly grabbed my camera and got several beautiful shots from our front steps. The snow was so peaceful with the night sky...and the big fluffy flakes seamed to float through the air...I just had to share these whimsical photographs with you...

Later today, I am expecting a package from California...you know, the one with all my stash purchases and goodies (all the great stuff that I couldn't fit in my suitcase)...so, hopefully I will be back soon with some fun, creative things to share with you! ...and if I am really lucky, I will find some time in my hectic schedule to do a little sewing and/or machine embroidery today - the holidays are approaching quickly and I have so many gifts to prepare....
Friday, November 4, 2011
Captivating California
As many of my regular readers know, my teaching trip to Elegant Stitch in Modesto, CA was my first ever trip to The Golden State. I have wanted to visit California since I was a little girl...and now I definitely know why...the area I was able to see was incredible. After taking care of business, I was invited to stay two extra days with Lois, Mr. Bear, and kiddies...we spent one extra day in San Francisco sightseeing and one in Berkeley doing a little shopping.

San Francisco was breathtaking...and I could not have asked for a better "tour guide"...Lois asked for a postcard day - and we had the most beautiful day I could have ever imagined. We saw ALL of San Francisco...we saw EVERYTHING...we left no stone unturned....and I think my jaw was dropped for most of the day. What a treat it was to see the city with someone from the area who knew exactly where to take me! We went on a Sunday, which greatly helped with traffic and congestion in the city...plus we left bright and early so we had an entire day to play. We did so much - I couldn't possibly cover it all...so, this will be the digest version with some of my favorite photographs...
We started the day by taking the Bay Bridge and stopped at Treasure Island for my first big view of the city:

After I took a bunch of photos on Treasure Island, we got back on the Bay Bridge and headed into San Francisco. We drove along the Embarcadero and I was quite taken with the waterfront and the piers. We made a stop by Ghirardelli Square on the west end of Fisherman's Wharf and walked out by the San Francisco Bay...where I got a couple good photos of Alcatraz Island:

We then took the Golden Gate Bridge to Vista Point and I was mesmerized by the size of the bridge - it truly left me speechless...

Next we drove through Sausalito (which I absolutely loved!) and Mill Valley before heading to the Marin Headlands. The Headlands were spectacular and Lois had to pick my jaw up a couple times - the views of the entire area were breathtaking...

After heading back over the Golden Gate Bridge, we made our way to Crissy Field and Fort Point. The walk was absolutely beautiful and I was able to take some AMAZING photographs...

Our scenic tour continued as we passed Lincoln Park Golf Course and Cliff House (just to name a few places) on our way to Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks gave us some of the most incredible views of the city - I took hundreds of photos.

Our sightseeing took us through Diamond Heights, The Castro, and The Haight....and we stopped at Mel's Drive-In Diner for a bite to eat. We then drove on the famous Lombard Street - the one-way section on Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth Streets, where the roadway has eight sharp turns - this street has the distinction of being the crookedest [most winding] street in the world...when we reached the bottom, I jumped out and took this photo:

Coit Tower was our last major stop - and of course there were more beautiful views to photograph...

Before leaving the city, we drove through Chinatown, Union Square, and Downtown...where we stopped for a Starbucks...then we headed back along the Embarcadero to the Bay Bridge and back to Modesto. As you can see, it really was a picture perfect "postcard" day - I truly could have a love affair with this city - I can't wait to go back!!
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