Greetings friends! It is a chilly day here in Iowa - perfect for spending a little time at the sewing machine or curled up with a cross stitch project. It has been a whirlwind of creativity in my studio the last month - finishing up freelance jobs, custom finishing, and special holiday orders...and trying to fit my own handmade gifts in the mix. I am happy to say I finished up all my big deadlines last week and finished up my holiday gifts over the weekend...and I am now down to just a few projects that were not included in the holiday rush (those who are waiting, thank you for your patience)...whew! The last few packages are shipping today...and I am ready to get the house cleaned up and ready for Christmas...and get the last few items checked off my Christmas list. I managed to hang all my framed Christmas cross stitch pieces and place a few decorative bowls with holiday ornaments and smalls throughout the house...yes, I know, I have been saying it for too many years to count - I *need* to get a tree to display my cross stitch ornament collection which has surpassed well-over 100 stitched ornaments (one day, I a tree will be in the budget, but until then, I will find creative ways to display the ornaments throughout the house).
I want to thank everyone who voted for my video in the Husqvarna Viking #sewworthit contest to win a Designer Epic (my dream sewing and embroidery machine). I placed third in votes (VERY close to second place when the contest abruptly ended)...and while they encouraged everyone to make creative videos, the contest was based on the most votes - so, I will be receiving the runner-up prize - a $500 prize package of sewing notions and supplies, which we all know I can definitely a HUGE thank you for voting and supporting my entry - I truly appreciate it! While my dream didn't come true, my heart is full from all the love and support I received...thank you SO MUCH - I may not be blessed with the sewing machine of my dreams, but I am truly blessed to have great people in my life that support my creative passions! I'll be sure to post a photo of my prize package when it arrives.
Here are a few photos of things I can share (including some recent shots of some of my Christmas cross stitch models)...more details on a couple of these will be posted in the near future...
A machine applique Americana design in progress... |
A new pattern I created for AccuQuilt - the GO! Piece of My Heart Strip Quilt I will post more details very soon.... |
My "All Bundled Up" Fabric Baskets Details coming soon along with a full tutorial on the AccuQuilt Blog later this month...stay tuned.... |
I'm off to work on some custom orders and a few new items for my Etsy shop...then some household chores...and tonight I will be in my cozy stitching nest working on a new design model. I hope you are enjoying the holiday season and (if you are in the COLD zone) keeping warm!