Sunday, March 9, 2025

Saturday Stitching Station

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Greetings friends! I'm back again for another late night post. I actually had a few quiet hours this afternoon and sat down for a model stitching session. I have been busy working on a couple new cross stitch models and thought I would give you a sneak peek at the larger one. 

This cross stitch design idea was born from a finishing idea...and I won't give too much away now, but I am excited to complete it and hope it turns out as I envision. I am still wrestling with the title, but rest assured, I will have more details for you in the coming months. I am working with Weeks Dye Works cotton floss on Lakeside Linen fabric. This is a view of my stitching station...complete with a hot cup of tea (Lemon Lift, my favorite!) and my very favorite wooden floss bobbins from The Bitsy Brocante Shop.

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

Aren't those bunny floss bobbins the cutest?! Even on my worst day, they make me smile. My online friend Ellie (EllieBugMakes on Instagram) and I bonded over our love of Poppie Cotton fabrics and our creative designs/projects...and she makes and sells tons of the most creative things. She has two Etsy Shops - TheBitsyBroncanteShop, which sells fabrics, sundries, and notions....and EllieBugMakes where she sells her handcrafted makes (if you need a sweet gift, please check her out). Her husband makes the wood crafted items in The Bitsy Brocante Shop, including the bunny bobbins and box in my photos. He also makes sheep and spools...and you can get them on rings or in a box...and what makes them even better - the back side of each bobbin is chalkboard, so you can write your floss name/number with a chalkboard marker! I used to always bag my floss to save time, but now I use these wood bobbins for my special projects. I'll add some links to my photos, so you can check them out...

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Bunny or Sheep Bobbins with Holder 

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Spool Bobbins on a Ring

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Sheep Bobbins on a Ring

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Bunny Bobbins on a Ring

When I placed a wooden bobbin order, Ellie was kind to include a special handmade gift for me...a pretty and practical pincushion, which is currently in use next to my sewing machine. It lists types and sizes of needles, so if you change your needle often, you can park them in the correct spot and find them easily for use again. I just love this! You can find her handmade items in her EllieBugMakes shop.

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

There you have it -  a sneak peek of a new cross stitch design...and some of my favorite stitchy products that I just had to share. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I will be back soon with more creative updates...happy stitching!

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Boho Rainbow Stitch Sampler

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Greetings friends! I thought I would stop by for a (very quick) late night chat - my workload has been a bit hectic and we are still on a night schedule in our household, so I haven't had much time to blog the last couple weeks. Feeling some frustration the last few days, I need a project to clear my head...and luckily I received a very special one for my birthday from a dear friend. I decided to take a couple hours and stitch up this Boho Rainbow Stitch Sampler by Selah Creative Company

This kit was exactly what I needed - bright and cheerful...and it had EVERYTHING I needed to complete the project and put it on display. If you haven't stitched on wood before, here is your sign to try it! It was quick, relaxing, and something new.  I enjoyed each and every stitch. The designer has a step-by-step video available, if you are not familiar with the embroidery stitches. This sampler has the Stem Stitch, Running Stitch, Chain Stitch, Cross Stitch, and French Knots. My kit was packaged beautifully and even had the floss, floss holder, and needles. I am not affiliated with the designer (I just love sharing unique projects from other small business owners), but if you want to check out her cool products, she has a website and is available on Etsy...

Here is a direct link to the kit I received: Boho Rainbow Stitch Sampler by Selah Creative Company

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC

I'll be back real soon with a sampling of my creative projects - my studio has been buzzing! I have new Poppie Cotton projects to show you this month, along with a very cute project for the Therm O Web blog....and several other fun things are in the works. I also need to share an update on my new cross stitch design model.😊 See you soon! 🌈