Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Family Time

©Copyright 2024 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC http://www.blueribbondesigns.blogspot.com
Greetings friends! I am headed off to northern Illinois for the rest of the week to visit my momma and second dad - I'll be off the grid until next week, enjoying good times with family...so, this is my short public service/housekeeping announcement....

While I am out of my office/studio, I will have very limited access to correspondence, so please be patient if you send me a message, comment, or inquiry that requires a response. All shippable items will be deactivated in my Etsy Shop. Shippable items (paper patterns/charts, project bags, Stitch Starter Rulers, etc.) will return on Monday, May 27th. All digital items will continue to be available. I will respond to all messages, comments and emails in the order received on May 28th. Thank you for your patience!

I'm sure I'll be back to blog soon, when I will have more fun and creative things to share with you! Have a wonderful week/weekend....
(Eye candy - a few photos from my flower beds.)

©Copyright 2024 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC http://www.blueribbondesigns.blogspot.com

©Copyright 2024 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC http://www.blueribbondesigns.blogspot.com

©Copyright 2024 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC http://www.blueribbondesigns.blogspot.com


  1. Enjoy your time away, dear friend! The pictures of your garden look fantastic.

  2. Lovely flowers in the garden , enjoy your visit hugs June.
