Sunday, February 17, 2013

Beautiful Button Box

It is a lovely sunny day here in central Iowa and I am getting ready to do a long walk in the sweet the time I finish this quick post, it should be about 40 degrees and I am ready for some fresh air! Yesterday I walked 6.5 miles in 30 degrees and that was a bit chilly - I had some very rosy cheeks....but today we are supposed to hit 47 degrees and I am excited to do a 10 mile training walk outdoors. I want to do a special thank you to those of you who have made a donation supporting my Komen 3-Day (60 mile) walk in  November - I am almost to $900.00, which is AMAZING (15% of my goal) - and I truly appreciate your support! This is such an important cause and I thank you for your encouragement and very generous hearts...

Today I have a couple fun tings to share with you - I received a lovely birthday package from my dear friend Terri - inside was a gorgeous Shaker button box (and you all know how much I love and treasure my Shaker items). This beautiful button box was filled with tiny wrapped presents (shown top right) - including a wonderful embroidered wool pincushion and some very fancy scissors (which I have never seen before!). I have already started filling the button box with various vintage buttons and trims and have it sitting in a place of prominence in my stitching nook. Terri also included a lovely scarf she knitted herself - isn't it great?! I do not do any knitting or crocheting to speak of, so I feel very blessed to have friends that are so talented and gift their yarn creations to me (again, I'm a very lucky girl)!

Also to share today - I managed to get quite a bit of sewing done over the last few days - finishing up some fun St. Patrick's Day items! I have been working on wool applique pincushions and several L.U.C.K. pillow sets. These have all been listed in my Etsy shop. I also cut up several yards of special sampler fabrics and I am working on new needlebooks, stitch starter sleeves, and stitching look for those to be posted in the next week or so...

For now, I am off to do my lengthy walk...enjoy the rest of your weekend...I hope you have a chance to get outside and/or be creative!


  1. What lovely gifts you received from your friend! What cute St. Patrick's Day items you have created, Belinda!

    Hope you had a good training walk!


  2. These designs are looking mind blowing thank you very much for the sharing.

  3. Hope you had a great walk! Love your pin cushions, and the fun gifts from your friend. Have a great week!
