Wednesday, September 12, 2012

An Anniversary Celebration

Over the weekend, Travis (my husband) and I had the pleasure of helping his parents celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary. They were married in Las Vegas at the Silver Wedding Bell Chapel in 1972....I wish I had a photo from their wedding day to share with you - they have a fabulous wedding photo. To the right is a photo of the happy couple taken at our wedding in 2000.

We decided to have a nice afternoon lunch at our house and my husband would fire up the grill. He barbecued the meats and I made all the fixings....and because my father-in-law is a "chocoholic", we stopped by the local bakery for a beautiful German chocolate cake. With red ruby as the classic gift material for the 40th anniversary, I found some incredible hand blown ruby red wine glasses for a gift (silly me, I didn't take a photo) - we also picked up a bottle of chocolate wine for the man who can never have enough chocolate. It truly was a lovely afternoon as we reminisced about the last forty years while enjoying (for the most part) a home cooked meal.

Wishing my mother-in-law and father-in-law many more years of happiness...may your marriage continue to be blessed with love, joy, and memorable occasions!


  1. He looks like Robert Wagner! And that cake is to die for. Congrats to the happy couple.

  2. Congratulations to the lovely couple xxx

  3. Happy belated anniversary wishes to Travis' parents! The meal looked quite tasty, but I think I would have started with the cake! LOL

